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Hi there!

I am Coral, a highly motivated and creative UX/UI designer with a passion for creating user- friendly and visually appealing interfaces. I have a strong understanding of the design process and am proficient in using various design tools and software.

About me

I am a student in the Media Design Engineering program at a college in Israel, with a passion for UX/UI design. I believe that good design should be simple, clean, and easy to use, with a focus on user experience and needs.

During my studies, I have acquired extensive knowledge in the field of design, with a focus on UX/UI principles. I have worked on a variety of projects, from designing websites and mobile applications to designing complex systems. I am proficient in using various tools, such as Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator, and Figma.

my services

Landing pages


UX strategy


UI design


User research

My projects


A new website was designed for Luna Spa to support online visibility, and customer acquisition.


Moonlight Real Estate aimed to improve their landing page for both renters and buyers/sellers.

Zohara Festival

A branding project for a tribute music festival honoring Israeli singer Zohar Argov.

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